Blogging Tips

Three Things I Left In 2018.

You’ve heard the saying, “grow through what you go through,” right? This resonated with me and has been my anthem for 2019. New year, same me, but I’m growing. I mentioned on Instagram that I left 3 things in 2018. I’m not going back to get them, they have to stay there! Let’s dive in.

Three Things I Left In 2018:

1. I am leaving behind procrastination. I can’t tell you how much stress I caused myself last year from waiting until the last minute to do things. Not only did this cause strain on my personal life, but it impacted how I created content for several major projects that I had going. My theme this year is stop waiting. Just do it NOW.

2. I am leaving behind 7 hours worth of screen time on my phone. I can certainly guarantee that all of those hours are not productive hours. I started to cut back towards the end of last year, but I’ve committed to being more intentional about how I spend my time. As much as I’d love to scroll through Instagram all day, the reality is that I need to be creating content, spending time with my family and being productive!

3. I am leaving behind excuses. There are so many thing that I want to do and haven’t launched them because of feeling overwhelmed or too busy. But there will never be the perfect time or scenario. Sometimes you just have to take the plunge and start that project, build that dream and take the risk. If you are signed up for my newsletter then you already saw some of the exciting things coming down from! I’m ready to just focus on my brand and grow this year more than ever.

What are you leaving behind? Even though I stopped my list at the three things I’m leaving behind in 2018, I know there are probably a few more things I could add. But baby steps!! Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Thank you for reading! Cheers to new beginnings! Let’s get after it. Grow through what you go through, ladies! I learned so much about myself last year. Even though it was an amazing year, I can see where the opportunities were and I’ve been working to close those gaps!

We got this! XO – Steph

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