
New York Fashion Week – My Schedule

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New York Fashion Week is one of my favorite trips that I take every year. I go for the fashion, the fellowship with old friends in the industry and to meet up with various PR firms that I work with throughout the year. It never gets old! This year I only attended for two days. That is probably the shortest I’ve ever attended but I packed a lot into 48 hours!

Why I Left Early

My brand/business always comes first and I booked an amazing opportunity with Clinique in Dallas on that Saturday. So I flew home and did some work with that brand for a few hours. I contemplated flying back to New York to finish out New York Fashion Week but I decided that it wasn’t cost effective decision. Plus, my husband gave me major side-eye when I told him my plans. #shutdown

From the moment I landed in NYC, my schedule was PACKED. I knew it would be a long shot for me to make it to everything I had on my schedule, but I gave it my best go! When I fly to New York, I always book the earliest flight possible. I like to get into the city, get settled and hit the streets as quickly as I can. This trip to NYC was no different. My day started at 3AM – needless to say, the time bedtime rolled around, I was “out like a light” Drake voice. 

Day One NYFW Schedule

Here’s a peek at my day 1 schedule: 

6AM Flight

11AM – 2PM BLDWN Presentation

2PM Tadashi 

3PM PR Meeting 

4PM Pamella Rolland

6PM Dinner/Drinks with friends

If you watched my Instagram Stories then you know that it was busy, busy and I didn’t end up making it to Pamella Rolland (#realtears). But that’s okay, I get fabulous recaps from the brands and I’ll share all the trends I’m excited to see in an upcoming post. 

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Day Two was really similar to Day One. Meetings and shows, but truthfully, I scheduled more meetings than shows. With me having to leave earlier than expected, I didn’t waste any hour of the day. I was able to also get two photoshoots in on that Friday! Some of those images are seen here. I mentioned that there would be one thing I do different in upcoming seasons during New York Fashion Week. Want to hear what that is? 

What I’m Doing Different

When I’m in New York for Fashion Week, I want to focus on the fashion. I can go to New York anytime and meet with PR companies. In fact, I set a business goal to get to NYC and LA at least every other month this year, or at minimum every quarter. Filling my schedule with meetings during Fashion Week takes away from the true meaning of the season! Designers work tirelessly to present their collections, and I want to make sure I am in attendance to see it. So there’s that. There will be a bit of shift in upcoming seasons and I’m excited! I also want to attend London Fashion Week and/or Paris Fashion Week. 

I somehow got on the invite list for shows in Paris, so every time I get an email and I can’t attend, I get serious FOMO! Haha! But with hard work and determination, I know I’ll get there one day soon! 

My next post will be all about what I wore during New York Fashion Week! It surprisingly wasn’t that cold and I took full advantage! I linked a few previous season here to see some of the coverage I’ve done in the past! 

Thank you so much for reading! 

Have a great week. 

XO – Steph


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