
Fashion Week Is Changing – Why I Still Attend

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Fashion Week Is Changing

It’s no secret. New York Fashion Week is changing. Major designers are either pulling out of the event all together or switching to more intimate presentations. While this gives up and coming designers the chance to showcase their work on a grand stage, it does beg the question … does fashion week still live up to the hype? Has it lost it luster? Will it still be around (in the same capacity) in years to come? I’ve read countless articles on this and even heard from industry friends on why they no longer attend, but at the end of the day, none of that matters because I go for me. After four seasons of attending shows and running around the streets of NYC with my gal pals, living out our Sex and the City dreams, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t take pauses to really evaluate why I do it. After all, if not done right, it can be expensive, exhausting and painful (those poor feet!)

Why I Still Attend

So here’s my answer as to why I still attend fashion week, even though it’s clearly changing: I love New York City. I love seeing all of my industry friends in one setting. I love fashion. 

Fashion week is undoubtedly changing, but I wouldn’t say it’s all bad. There are many who come to New York and care more about appearances than the actual fashion, and often times this is what people see from the outside looking in. It can all feel very self serving and superficial in the grand scheme of things, but I think there are ways to take matters into your own hands and use your influence for good.


One of the highlights of my trip was seeing Courtney, from Color Me Courtney, taking young girls around as mentees during the week and giving them a first hand experience and picture of what it looks like to be in the industry during fashion week. As women of color, it is so important to look back and reach out a hand to those who may need direction or help along the way. There are so many ways to give back during this crazy week and I certainly am challenging myself to do more of that. 

Personal Goals

This year I personally wanted to focus more on connections than being out any and everywhere just to say I was. I wanted to truly enjoy the moments I had with the women who inspire me daily and share anything I could share to help lift or guide someone else. I loved getting to meet and fellowship with women of color over brunch on Saturday during fashion week. It was definitely food for the soul to spend that time together. I left this season feeling happy and accomplished, and I hope to add to that in seasons to come. 

Fashion week is what you make of it, just like anything else in life. It’s up to me (and you) to take matters into your own hands and be the change you want to see. 

When I think about the energy of the city and the sense that you can be and do anything you want, it seems fitting that change has come. One of the things that keeps me coming back season after season, is the energy and excitement that is New York Fashion Week. I’ll see you in February, NYC! 

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