Blogging Tips

Why every boss babe should love Mondays.

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I love this look for several reasons … It’s literally a perfect set! And the best part is I bought both pieces almost a year a part at two different stores, with no intent of wearing them together. Isn’t it wonderful how things workout?

I would totally wear this to a blogger event, a brand meeting or business lunch. In this Houston weather, you have to find ways to beat the heat and stay chic. (I’ll be sharing how to wear coordinating separates in my next post)

In the meantime … Where are my boss babes at? This post is for you!

I don’t know about you, but I love to work, I love Mondays and I love making things happen. I always find it interesting when I look through my social media timelines on a Sunday afternoon and see so many people dreading a new week, perhaps praying that their office will miraculously be closed for the day so that they can stay home. Sound like you? If it does, I’m most certainly not here to judge, in fact, the reason I can speak on this so well, is because I’ve been there! But I knew I didn’t want to stay in there.

I am the queen of having too much on my plate, but if you remember from my Do What You Love post a little while back, I shared why I refocused and followed my heart to do what I am passionate about. When you’re passion is your purpose, it never feels like work. Which is one of the reasons why I love a new week, a fresh start to make magic happen.

For those that don’t know, I work in retail management, in addition to my blog and have the incredible opportunity to lead a team of over 100 team members + store leaders every day. It’s awesome. But if I didn’t show up, ready to play every week, I wouldn’t be where I am today, which is still no where near my end goal.

Today on the blog, I’m sharing my Top 5 #girlboss tips on how to conquer the Monday blues and slay every week!

Let me preface all of this by saying that I am an organized freak at work, but a complete and total mess at home, so please don’t think I have it all together. I don’t do laundry or wash dishes every day just like the rest of my haute mess mama friends. #iaintsorry

1. Plan your little heart out.

Your calendar is your friend. I am a firm believer in being organized at work, having a plan and executing it daily. I know how nearly every hour of my day will be spent and even factor in time for the unknown. Time is precious. Planning is key. And execution is gold.

2. Vision and Goal Setting

Having a vision and setting goals is essential to your success every week. I always have a vision and goal setting meeting with myself first and then schedule one with my leadership team either at the beginning of the year or when I take on a new team. Why? Because you have to visualize where you’re going and how you’re going to get there if you truly want to win.

Have your vision and your goals posted where you can see them every day, be honest with yourself about where you stand and be ready to dig in and do the work that it takes to be successful.

3. Oh but darling what if you fly?

Fear and doubt are dream killers. There’s really no other way to say it. They take your amazing ideas, plans and potential and make them feel small and impossible. So how do you conquer that? That’s a whole blog series within itself, but what has helped me is thinking about all the things I want out of this life, the work it takes to get there and realizing that the only way to soar is to put on my wings and fly. No one else can get up and show up for me. And if my reasoning for not doing something is the fear of failure or what others may think, then I absolutely need to do it.

4. Tell em boy bye.

Haters gonna hate. I thought about just dropping the mic and leaving it at that, but let me elaborate for a second. Your vision and your purpose, is just that, your own, so when you show up on Monday morning, don’t let what other people do or say distract you. I think so many people miss out on amazing opportunities because they allow what other people are doing or saying determine their path. As my girl Bey would say “I ain’t thinking ’bout you” … #boybye

5. Shine bright like a diamond.

Every week is a new opportunity to shine. It’s a chance to take the shortcomings from the previous week and make them a success this week. No day or week has to look the same. I love my job, but I started my blog because it literally feeds my soul. What’s your shine factor? What drives you? If you’re just going through the motions every week, ask yourself this … why? I did, and when I couldn’t think of a good answer, I knew it was time to make a change.

Thanks so much for stopping by the blog! What are some of your boss babe tips?

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7 thoughts on “Why every boss babe should love Mondays.

  1. Such a beautiful and inspiring post. I started blogging because I needed to feed my soul. I was going through the motions with my day job and I just needed more, you know? Thank you for this babe. You are an inspiration. I love the fact that you plan your days out to help you stay organized. I could definitely use a little planning in my life! Xoxo

  2. Awesome post. I’m a new blogger and business owner myself and I’m learning to do all of the above you mentioned. I’m also learning to be more comfortable walking my path and living to my highest potential, regardless of what people might say. Lol… #boybye

    Thanks again for sharing.

    1. Hey girl! Yes! It’s so important to walk your own path. Thanks for checking out the blog. Stay in touch.



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