I’ve recently joined the work from home club, and I have to say … I LOVE it. And while it feels like a whole new world to me, wearing comfortable, easy styles is not! I was made for this lifestyle. Ha! Today I am pulling together 5 work from home outfits that are both stylish and functional. Lets dive in!
Ready for Zoom
This look is the epitome of business on the top, party on the bottom. When I was working for Gucci, I would rock this often if I needed to take a call while working from home. What’s great about this look is you don’t have to be over the top with your blouse option. I linked several dressy looking pieces that could also be worn to relax on the couch.
Camera Off, On Mute
We all have those days when the camera is off, your mic is on mute and you are counting down the minutes to 5PM. And don’t let somebody call on you to chime in. “I’m sorry, I tuned out 30 minutes ago … can you repeat the question?” Save this look for days like that!
Working From The Couch (Or Bed … We Don’t Judge)
Comfortable clothes that can pass as pajamas deserve a special place in athleisure heaven. I tend to work from my bed, especially on my admin days. I know this will need to change once we finish our remodel, but until then, I am enjoying every minute of it. I’m actually writing this post while under the covers. Check out my picks for this scenario!
I Have Plans Later
This look is for those days when you need to be comfortable at home, but you’ve got casual plans later. I love a look that can take me from the work day to basketball practice to cocktails with friends. It’s important to include pieces in your wardrobe that are versatile. I hate that “I have nothing to wear” feeling. These options will help combat that and will hopefully reduce the amount of outfit changes needed in one day.
Classic Everyday Work From Home Style
The title speaks for itself. These pieces are your every day options that are perfect for the work from home life. Take a look …
Where do you shop for work from home looks? I hope you loved this roundup and found a few pieces that will work with in your wardrobe! Thank you for reading!