Blogging Tips

How To Stand Out And Be Different In the Blogging World

Standing out when it feels like everyone else is trying so hard to fit in is hard. Really hard. You want to “do you,” but it seems as though the “in” thing is to be the same as everyone else. In the blogging world, it is common to scroll through Instagram, see something popular and then find hundreds of other content creators attempting to do the same thing.

I want to hopefully encourage other content creators and business owners alike and say that it is OKAY and actually so important to be different. So how do you do that? How do you stand out when everyone else is trying so desperately to fit in?

Figure what makes you different, then own it.

So what’s your it factor? Don’t worry, you don’t have to tell me right now. Sometimes it takes a minute to really figure it out and pinpoint what it is exactly that makes you different from everyone else. Depending on your industry, there may be a lot of other people who do what you do. Whether you’re a blogger or business owner, you have to determine how and why your audience will want to come to your page over someone else’s. For example, fashion blogging at times can appear to be very self serving, but I think the important thing to remember is that we are here to serve others. How are you being of service to your audience? Are you just posting outfit of the day images like everyone else? Or are you teaching and helping your readers in an area that they need help growing in? Don’t get me wrong, there are many content creators who have audiences who come to them specifically for the clothes or that one thing, but if you aren’t an “expert” in that field, you have to find a way to offer something of deeper value.

A lot of times, we try to emulate what others are doing in hopes of it too making us successful, but the reality is that what works for someone else, may not work for you. The beauty of this industry is that there is literally room for all of us – but the key is bring what you offer to the table, not a carbon copy of someone else’s work.

Trust me, I know the comparison game is real and reading this post is probably easier said than done, but in the end, it is so worth it.

If you’re struggling with what to do next and feeling like nothing is working, no one cares, your work is meaningless, etc. etc. – stop, take a moment (or several moments) to regroup, think about the reason you started – a lot of times this will help you begin to figure out your “it” factor and what makes you different. Everyone’s why is different. Everyone’s path is different. We weren’t all meant to be the same.

I say all of this to say, do you, boo. That’s the greatest gift you can give your audience/readers. And while you’re doing you, think about how you can serve others while doing what you love.

Thank you for reading loves!


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I'm Stephanie

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