
Turning 30

This year I am turning 30! I turned the big 3-0 this year and while some may dread getting older, I couldn’t help but smile at how far I’ve come and how hopeful I am for the future. It’s hard to believe I’ve been on this earth for 30 years.Β It seems just like yesterday I was in high school wondering what I’d be doing in this very moment. There have been set backs, mistakes (big and small), and many moments when I felt like I wanted to quit or that I wasn’t “good enough,” but there have also been some of the most amazing moments of my life that have pushed me into the person I am today – someone with vision and purpose.

I have this overwhelming sense of responsibility to live life to the fullest, and to make all of my dreams (and my children’s dreams come true … within reason), for I know that tomorrow is not guaranteed and we only get one shot at life … so why not make it as incredible as possible?

Turning 30. This year for me is all about growth in both my personal life and my businesses. I have worked really hard to grow my brand and I am excited about what is next. I am my happiest self when I do what I love to do, and I plan to do a whole lot more of that this year and for years to come. I remember vividly one of my last conversations with my grandfather before he passed away last year was about work and how people work their whole lives and aren’t doing what they truly want to do. I’ve known from a very early age that this is not the type of life that I wanted, and I feel blessed to be able to create content and build this corner of the internet into something that I truly love to wake up and do every day.

This is 30. Wow.

Thank you, Jesus for this amazing gift of life and for each and every day that I am blessed with on this earth. I am so grateful. I thought about sharing 30 things about me for my 30th birthday post, but honestly, all I want to do is express gratitude for the journey so far. We’ve come a mighty long way … and I’m not talking just about the blog. Sometimes it’s nice to just look back for a moment for perspective.

This will be my best year yet, I feel it. Thank you so much for following along with me and for reading my blog! I appreciate you all.

XOXO – Steph

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I'm Stephanie

Welcome to, your ultimate lifestyle destination for fashion, beauty, travel and #momlife. I am a Dallas girl, now living in Florida and every week on the blog I share content that inspires and educates women across the world. My mission is to give all readers a weekly guide on how to live your best life, IN STYLE. Take a look around, we're so glad you are here!

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